Star Search Dance Festival 2017

Congratulations to all students who competed in the Star Search Dance Festival over the July school holidays. Everyone worked hard in the studio over the last few months to get their routines ready and the teachers at Showtime are very proud of how well you all performed. A huge thank you to Miss Helen, Miss Jay & Miss Georgia for teaching the students their competition routines and supporting them over the holidays.


2nd Place - 17/U National Solo Novice (Jennifer)
2nd Place - 17/U Modern Solo Novice (Georgia)
2nd Place - 17/U Hip Hop Solo Novice (Amber)
2nd Place - 15/U Contemporary Solo Novice (Gemma)
3rd Place - 17/U Hip Hop Solo Open (Georgia)
3rd Place - 15/U Modern Solo Novice (Gemma)
3rd Place - 9/U Hip Hop Trio (Ivy, Braydee & Tyler)
3rd Place - 9/U Song & Dance Solo Novice (Ruby)
HM - 13/U Hip Hop Solo Novice (Jennifer)

photos from star searcch

Photos from star search
Photos from star search