Christmas Pageants 2023

In 2022 we welcomed back the Armadale Christmas parade which had taken a break for the past 2 years due to covid, however now it had moved to a Saturday evening meaning it was a very busy day for the Showtime HMS team. We had two groups of performers with one at the Armadale parade and the other performing at the Perth Alinta Christmas Pageant.

For many of our students this was their first ever Christmas pageant performance so it was a very exciting time! Our students dressed in a range of Christmas themed costumes and danced down the streets of Armadale & Perth.

Congratulations to all that participated and we hope it got you in the Christmas spirit ready for the holiday season ahead.

We were lucky to get a lot of screen time on Channel 7's presentation of the Perth Pageant, if you missed it you can watch below.

Photo's from both events can be viewed via our Facebook albums.

Alinta Christmas Pageant 2021

In 2020 we took a break from performing in the Christmas pageant due to Covid-19 but this year we were back!

Saturday December 4th marked the occasion. The city of Perth was all lit up and families were lined up in the streets to watch the performances. A select few of our Showtime students participated and were dressed up in Christmas colours, a mix of sparkly green and red costumes. Dancing to Christmas carols down the streets of Perth is a great way to get in to the Christmas spirit and we love being a part of the Alinta Christmas Pageant each year.

We would like to congratulate our students on how well they danced and represented Showtime HMS.

If you missed us on TV watch our video below! And don't forget to check out our Facebook albums for more photo's!

Christmas Pageants 2019

On the 6th and 7th of December a group of Showtime students had the chance to dance in the Armadale and Alinta Perth Christmas pageants. All dressed up in Christmas colours, sparkly green, red and candy cane costumes, our students danced down Jull Street in Armadale and St George’s Terrace in Perth with big smiles. We would like to congratulate our students on how well they danced in both pageants and represented Showtime HMS.

If you missed us on TV watch our video below! And don't forget to check out our Facebook albums for more photo's!